Iðnaður Annað Karcher Professional B 40 RS - skúringavél
skoðað 141 sinnum

Karcher Professional B 40 RS - skúringavél

Verð kr.

700.000 kr


Skoða vöru
Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró


105 Reykjavík


Vegna endurnýjunar er þessi fína Karchervél til sölu.
Árgerð 2017

Afar öflug skúringarvél sem skrúbbar og þurrkar.
This Step-on scrubber drier offers the manoeuvrability of a walk-behind machine and the speed of a ride-on machine. The BD 40 RS is the ideal machine for supermarkets, public buildings, healthcare and contract cleaning. The extremely small turning radius enables to clean even winding and tight areas completely.
Convincing are a compact design and enormous performance. Sensational pivoting squeegee. The squeegee rotates around the brush deck for 100 % complete pick up of water even in the tightest turns. Thanks to the adjustable Eco-mode an energy- and resources-saving maintenance can be done with excellent cleaning results. Environmental aspects are combined with high cleaning performance. The back cover comes off completely for easy access to the battery compartment and charging.

Staðsett í póstnr. 270.

Verð 700.000 kr. án vsk.
Verð 868.000 kr. m. vsk.
Nývirði 1.8 m. án vsk.
Verð 2.2 m. m. sk.

Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000 / 8631970
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