Farartæki Ferðahýsi Caravan
skoðað 1069 sinnum


Verð kr.

1.300.000 kr



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Bland mælir með öruggum ökutækjaviðskiptum á netinu með Frágangi
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  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
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miðvikudagur, 10. júlí 2024 11:11



Tegund Hjólhýsi Svefnpláss 2
Árgerð 2.021 Stærð í fetum 4

aI am selling this beautiful caravan, built by hand with quality materials, it is quite light weighing 650 kg, with a special interior design, made of aluminum and weather-resistant galvanized sheet!
The interior is quite spacious, ideal for a family with two children, two beds, wardrobe, stove, sink, scirocco diesel heating with very low consumption, interior lighting, gas detector!
It is equipped with two batteries, two refrigerators, 3 chairs and a folding table, 3 sleeping bags, mattresses and quilts, fire extinguisher, gas cylinder,medical kit, new spare wheel! It was specially built for offroad, tested on Landmannnlaugar and many other hard-to-reach roads! The caravan is registered and recently inspected! The price is 1.3 million negotiable on the spot! Come and check, you will never regret !SOLD !!!