Afþreying Annað Warrior King GT
skoðað 85 sinnum

Warrior King GT

Verð kr.

430.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

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sunnudagur, 7. júlí 2024 13:43


112 Reykjavík


Respect my time and yours! Read the entire ad. If you are not seriously interested, DO NOT WRITE to me! don't haggle! I will only talk to the serious people who know what they want.

Probably one of the nicest scooters for sale. It is still top in terms of performance (speed, range). This is not a toy, so I recommend it only to responsible people! It is heavy and very fast!
Wolf Warrior King GT.
Mileage: 2500km
72V 2x2000W - top speed 100km/h
Battery 35Ah - real range 60-100km (the manufacturer says 180 km, but this is only achievable under specified conditions and is impossible to achieve. Unfortunately, producers rely on the consumer's ignorance!)
The scooter was used as a hobby and is in very good condition. He was kept in the apartment all the time, so he was washed after each trip! Not used during rain and winter! Over the winter the battery was stored as it should be (many people have a very big problem with this), around 40-50%, so it still charges to 100% and does the same mileage. Was turn on from time to time. Fuses have been added and chargers are of a new type
A steering damper was installed. It's great and worth having, especially if you drive faster (of course, the speed limit on a public road is 25km/h😉).
The "problem" of the "blind spot" in the throttle has been removed (the reaction to "acceleration" is immediate!). Original rear bumper trim, crash pads are installed, extra tape for better grip.

I am selling the scooter with:
• proof of purchase (2022)
• two sets of new brake pads
• new rear suspension rubbers (new ones are installed, after one trip)
• new charging port closures (better type)
• 2 charger new type
• phone holder
• two mirrors
• ONE BAG (I only sell with one bag!)
• additional bicycle bell (the original one is too loud in my opinion)
• steering dumper
• crash pads

The only thing that would need to be done is to change the tires. I recommend PMT tires (cost 16k each at The only possibility of negotiation is to reduce the price by the cost of new tires!
You can buy cheaper ones or use the current ones for some time, you can buy and replace it yourself to make it cheaper. You have some options.
The scooter is ready for the season and waiting for a new owner🙃

Currently, the scooter is not available in Iceland, it will probably appear in some time, and the cost of one will be at least 550k isk. There are only about 20-25 pieces of this model in Iceland!

Price 430 000 isk (minus new tires)