Fasteignir Til leigu Apartment downtown Reykjavík
skoðað 2667 sinnum

Apartment downtown Reykjavík

Verð kr.

285.000 kr

Til athugunar

Ertu að selja, leigja eða kaupa fasteign
Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

föstudagur, 12. júlí 2024 12:25


105 Reykjavík

Notendur athugið!

Tilmæli frá lögreglu: Aldrei greiða húsaleigu nema búið sé að skoða íbúðina og kanna hvort auglýsandinn sé eigandi hennar.

Police notice: Always inspect the apartment before paying rent and ensure that the advertiser is the actual owner.

Tegund Fjölbýlishús Fermetrar 48
Póstnúmer 105 Herbergi 2
Gæludýr leyfð Nei

105 Reykjavik
City center furnished apartment long term.

Renovated apartment with one bedroom and a living room. Central location with all the basic amenities. Everything is within walking distance and just a few minutes' walk to the popular Reykjavik Centre. WiFi, modern kitchen facilities, features a full kitchen a refrigerator, oven, stove and dishwasher.
The apartment is furnished.

One bedroom with a bed and desk.

The parking on the street is free.

Only non-smoking, orderly, and tidy people will be considered.
Situated in the middle of Reykjavík, downtown.
Deposit: two months' rent
No pets

Please send an application with the subject "Auðarstræti" along with information about education/job, tenants family, references, and other things that matter to email: