Iðnaður Byggingavörur Kemppi MasterTig MLS 3000
skoðað 1057 sinnum

Kemppi MasterTig MLS 3000

Verð kr.

300.000 kr


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Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró


105 Reykjavík


Kemppi Ultima-TIG Tungsten Grinder - lítur út sem ný.
Árgerð 2004.

MasterTig MLS DC range has become an industry standard for many users, offering precise welding performance and lightweight, portable design. A popular choice for welding professionals, options include 300 and 400 amp power sources with 30% duty cycle at maximum output current. Choose from four control panel options, allowing you to select exactly the parameter control that’s right for your welding application. MTL/MTX/MTM/MTZ control panel options contain basic and specialist functions required for quality DC TIG and MMA welding. Features can include: HF or contact ignition, pre-gas and post-gas control, torch switch latching 2T/4T, remote control and setup options, welding current upslope and downslope timer, MMA ignition pulse, MMA arc dynamics, pulse and synergic pulse TIG, spot timer, 4T log and memory channel function.
Nývirði um 1 milljón án vsk.

Verð 300.000 kr. án vsk.

Staðsetning - Skeifan.

Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000 / 8631970
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