Heimilið Hönnun 60þ. Allar 4 stólar nýjar í ks
skoðað 897 sinnum

60þ. Allar 4 stólar nýjar í ks

Verð kr.

20.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

laugardagur, 22. júní 2024 07:39


109 Reykjavík


20þ. stk

4 stólar nýjar

The Brooke barstool is the essence of the modern glamor style. A fashionable velvet fabric combined with a durable metal chair base will fit into a modern interior design. The comfort of the bar stool is due to the soft upholstery foam, which guarantees the softness of the backrest and seat. The velor fabric VIC fabric forest green 68AC in an unusual green color will be perfect for a modern dining room or a kitchen island.
