Afþreying Bækur 2xHarry Potter language course
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2xHarry Potter language course

Verð kr.

15.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

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föstudagur, 28. júní 2024 12:42


101 Reykjavík


English and Icelandic version of Harry Potter together for 15.000 kr In stores the Icelandic books cost 27.000 kr. My English version box set is sold for 17.899 kr.

I sell both versions tigether for 15.000 kr.
Both versions together in stores 45.000 kr.
You save 30.000 kr.

My books have only been read once so they are in great shape.

As a language teacher the Icelandic version is popular to teach kids bored with unexciting Icelandic reading material. And they are very suitable for foreigners who have are ready to do independent reading through fun adventures.

Same with the English version: you improve greatly in English by just reading the books and look up things every now and then.

By buying both versions you can read them together and take big jumps in learning English and Icelandic at the same time. Read few sentences and compare the texts, using a note book to put down on paper things you want to know. A great way to lmprove you skills while having fun.

The 2 series cost 45.000 kr in stores as we speak but I sell both versions I only used once for 15.000 kr A great deal and a fun way to add to the way you learn language without realizing it.

15.000 kr for Harry Potter language course.