Fasteignir Til leigu Urgent
skoðað 1207 sinnum


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  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

mánudagur, 27. maí 2024 14:15


270 Mosfellsbæ

Notendur athugið!

Tilmæli frá lögreglu: Aldrei greiða húsaleigu nema búið sé að skoða íbúðina og kanna hvort auglýsandinn sé eigandi hennar.

Police notice: Always inspect the apartment before paying rent and ensure that the advertiser is the actual owner.

Tegund Fjölbýlishús Fermetrar 174
Póstnúmer 270 Herbergi 3
Gæludýr leyfð Nei


Hello dear Sir, Miss.

We are a family of 3 with the father from the Netherlands, the mother half Icelandic, half American and our Icelandic son. We are permanent residents of Iceland.
The father works fulltime as Head of Security at a medical clinic in downtown Reykjavík.
The mother works from home as a Financial Advisor.

Our son is 10 years old, loves soccer and has an interest in Science, Art and Gaming and generally anything to do with computers.

As a family of three, we are looking for a long term rental property that is located in Mossfellsbær as our current property has been sold. We desire a home where we can find peace of mind and relaxation after a long day in this beautiful country and where our son can continue to stay in his current school.

Recommendations from our current landlord, current employer and Bank Guarantees are available upon request.

We live orderly lives without any bad habits. No smoking, partying or pets. We enjoy every day of our lives here in Iceland.

We would be delighted to have a personal exchange with you and get a chance to introduce ourselves better.

We hope you will reach out to us on 649 9187 for further enquiries, or drop us a mail at

Hoping to hear from you soon.